Success story
How Timeular helps an entrepreneur and multi-business owner juggle projects

Tobi Deckert is the founder, CEO and CTO of multiple businesses including Shredrack, Apres Allstars, Trucktollo and Tronature.
He helps others fulfil their ultimate adventures in travel and sport.
The challenge: carving out time for focused work
Juggling the workload of all companies brings great responsibility and an ever growing to-do list. Tobi found himself struggling with multiple subtasks and lacking focus. He was keen to find out how much time he was spending across all of his projects and find ways to optimize his available time.
The solution: using Timeular to develop structure
Tobi starts his day at 6am with a session of tabata, followed by yoga and a short meditation. “Throughout the routine, my mind is completely focused.” Afterwards he starts writing his daily plan.
His day is structured into two big tasks, one he has to do and one he wants to do. “This keeps me motivated working in my ‘zone’.”
He tracks the activities he works on within his companies as #internal and the ones he does for #external partners too. This helps him seeing where every minute of his working day is spent and makes it easier when it comes to billing clients and planning new projects. He explains: “developing a structure for how you spend your time is the most important thing for the self-employed.”
Since using Timeular, Tobi now has four hours each day where he remains in the “zone” which wasn’t possible before. He finds that the Tracker keeps him in the rhythm of time tracking and finds the Pomodoro method useful when maintaining focus. “I forget to start or stop the timer less and pick the activities according to the people I work with.”
The outcome: increased focused work throughout the day
Over time, Tobi has noticed a marked improvement in his overall productivity levels and uses the insights provided by Timeular to optimize his workflows. He downloads and shares PDF reports of the time he has spent on different projects with his clients, which increases transparency and builds trust.
“It’s like a puzzle. First, you need to find the right pieces, then you need to try and see what happens and if they fit. It’s important to have the discipline or your own system to keep you accountable and to make it a habit/routine.”
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Increase profitability and bill accurately with effortless time tracking. Never chase a timesheet again.