Optimizing Wrike’s Time-Tracking With Timeular

Effective project management relies on precise time management, and Wrike stands out as a powerful tool for this purpose. However, for optimal efficiency, integrating a specialized time-tracking app is crucial.

Timeular, among the many options available, stands out as an ideal complement to Wrike, providing a seamless, all-encompassing time-tracking experience.

This article will explore the importance of time-tracking within Wrike, examine its native features, and explain why Timeular is the premier choice for enhancing Wrike’s time-tracking capabilities.

Looking for a user-friendly time tracking solution that smoothly integrates with Wrike?

Why is it important to track time in Wrike?

Time tracking in Wrike is not just about monitoring hours worked; it’s a strategic tool for optimizing resources, ensuring financial transparency, fostering client trust, and continuously improving project management processes.

It provides the data needed to make informed decisions, leading to more successful project outcomes and organizational efficiency.

Project progress monitoring

Time-tracking provides real-time insights into how much time is invested in various tasks and projects.

Monitoring time spent helps project managers assess project progress, identify potential delays, and make informed decisions to keep projects on track.

Resource allocation optimization

Time-tracking enables organizations to understand how team members allocate their time across different projects and tasks. This information helps optimize resource allocation, ensuring that each team member’s skills and time are used efficiently and effectively.

Cost estimation and budgeting

Accurate time-tracking is essential for accurate project cost management because it helps estimate project costs and create realistic budgets. It provides a foundation for cost projections, preventing budget overruns and supporting precise financial planning.

Client billing accuracy

For organizations that bill clients based on hourly work, time tracking ensures accurate and transparent billing. Detailed time records serve as documentation, fostering client trust and preventing disputes over billed hours.

Identifying productivity patterns

Time-tracking helps identify patterns in team members’ productivity, such as peak working hours and potential areas for improvement. Managers can use this data to optimize workflows and create an environment that maximizes individual and team productivity.

Performance evaluation

Time-tracking is also an excellent way to track employee performance. It serves as a basis for performance evaluations, allowing managers to provide constructive feedback and identify areas for improvement.

Project management optimization

Project management time tracking offers data for retrospectives and continuous improvement. Based on historical time-tracking data, teams can learn from past projects, refine processes, and enhance overall project management efficiency.

Does Wrike provide time-tracking features?

Wrike indeed offers built-in time-tracking features, allowing direct logging of time spent on tasks and projects. However, for users seeking more depth and customization in their workflow, Wrike features are not enough.

Wrike time tracking: how to do it?

To begin, navigate to the specific task and locate the clock icon. Click “Start Timer” to initiate tracking. Once your work on the task is complete, hit “Stop Timer.”

In Wrike, tracking time involves manual logging within tasks or using the built-in timer features. In general, the whole process isn’t user-friendly, making it much more prone to errors and causing a considerable amount of frustration.

Wrike’s time-tracking limitations

According to some feedback gathered from Capterra and G2, most people think that Wrike’s time-tracking is rather complicated, not intuitive, and missing critical features to achieve ultimate productivity.

Some users have mentioned that Wrike’s native time-tracking features may lack the flexibility needed for certain workflows, and customization options might be limited, making it challenging for users with unique time-tracking requirements.

Also, some users have complained about limitations in the reporting capabilities of Wrike’s time-tracking features. The level of detail and customization in time-tracking reports may not meet the specific needs of all users.

“I do not like certain aspects of Wrike. I disliked the changes made to the timesheet report format, which took away my ability to simply select a week and see an organized breakdown of time spent on various tasks. Also, the workspace/task selection has become too explicit for my tastes, often making it difficult to quickly navigate through them”

Some G2 feedback also mentions that new users may face a steep learning curve when adopting Wrike’s time-tracking features. Users have indicated that it takes time for teams to become accustomed to the platform, impacting the initial efficiency of time-tracking.

“During the onboarding process, there were a lot of hiccups with time because our Marketing organization has our plates pretty full.”

Effortless Wrike time-tracking with Timeular

Timeular is a time-recording app that seamlessly integrates with Wrike, providing users a more intuitive and flexible way to monitor and manage their time. 

With its intuitive interface and wide range of features, Timeular makes it easy to stay on top of your time and improve your productivity while seamlessly integrating with Wrike.

But what exactly makes Timeular the best Wrike time-tracking integration?

Physical time tracker

The Timeular task timer cube transforms time-tracking into a tangible, interactive experience. Unlike traditional digital interfaces, this physicality engages users, making time-tracking more intuitive and enjoyable.

The physical rotation of the Timeular device allows users to seamlessly switch between tasks. This physical gesture mirrors the fluidity of actual work, ensuring that time-tracking is a natural part of the workflow rather than a cumbersome additional step.

Note: Using the Tracker is not mandatory to use the Timeular app successfully.

Build a time tracking habit with a physical time tracking device

Track time in Wrike and other apps, using Timeular which works with or without the physical Tracker


Timeular effortlessly integrates with Wrike and other popular tools, creating a harmonious relationship between the Timeular app and the digital project management environment. This integration ensures that time entries are automatically synced with Wrike, eliminating the need for manual data entry.

Other integrations:

Tailored to your workflow

This project time tracker allows to customize activities to match specific tasks or projects in Wrike. This customization ensures that time-tracking aligns perfectly with your unique workflow, providing a personalized and efficient experience.

Analytics and insights

Timeular provides detailed analytics and insights into how time is spent across different activities. This data empowers teams and managers to make informed decisions, optimize workflows, and identify areas for improvement.

Cross-device accessibility

Timeular’s platform is accessible across various devices, ensuring flexibility in different work environments. Whether working on a desktop, laptop, or mobile device, users can seamlessly track time and stay connected to Wrike.

Team performance tracker

Timeular also works as a productivity time tracker as teams can track their time together and share calendar entries, notes, and other tags with their teammates, allowing better coordination of tasks and improved team productivity. 

Tracking billable hours

This feature might be what you need to increase your business profitability. Timeular, as a billable hour tracker, will ensure that you are paid for every hour of your work.

It allows you to define each activity as billable or non-billable and assign your billing rates accordingly, improving accuracy and maximizing profits. 

Super complete

Timeular answers to the diverse needs of individuals and teams across various industries and business sizes making it equally valuable for freelancers, small startups, and large corporations.

The platform’s multifaceted functionality as an employee timesheet softwaretimer app, overtime tracker, leave tracking system, and employee hours tracker showcase its ability to address a wide array of requirements.

How to track time in Wrike with Timeular

Integrating Timeular with Wrike is a straightforward process that significantly enhances the overall time-tracking experience. Once connected, users can easily link their Timeular activities to specific tasks or projects in Wrike. 

work hours tracker feature 1

Create a free Timeular account

Try Timeular, which provides frictionless time tracking and seamlessly integrates with Wrike

  1. Sign-up: Create a free Timeular & Zapier account. Connect both tools.
  2. Create your “Zap”: Set up a new “Zap” on Zapier, selecting Wrike as the trigger (“new task”) and Timeular as the action (“create activity”).To connect Zapier to Timeular, you will need an API Key, which can be found in Timeular by going to Settings > My Account > API and then selecting ‘Create a new API key’.
  3. Launch your integration: Activate your Zap to connect your actions on Wrike to Timeular. Now, all time spent on Salesforce tasks will be accurately tracked on Timeular. 
  • Refer to our Support article for detailed guidance on integrating Timeular with Zapier.

Watch the following video for step-by-step visual instructions:

Conclusions about time-tracking in Wrike

In conclusion, while Wrike offers native time-tracking features, the integration of Timeular transforms the whole experience. The physical, tangible nature of Timeular’s device simplifies and encourages consistent, accurate time-tracking. 

This seamless integration ensures effortless recording of time entries for improved project management. By combining Wrike’s strengths with Timeular, teams optimize time-tracking workflows, leading to enhanced productivity, efficient resource allocation, and ultimately, successful project outcomes!

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