How does Timeular help Frank to meet his goals?

For Frank Mendoza, the biggest challenge he wanted to conquer was accountability. As the CEO of Catalytics, a consulting firm that enables organizations to introduce emerging technologies, it was important to ensure his business operates as efficiently as possible and sets a standard that others follow.

“Time is everyone’s scarcest resource and I wanted a way to hold myself accountable to where I was spending my time.” He wanted to look back at his week and visualize where his time has been spent and reflect if he needed to adjust for the next week. 

Time blocking your week

Frank typically starts his week with an hour-long planning session on Monday mornings. He lays out his commitments for the week (meetings, events) and identifies those items he hopes to accomplish (goals, challenges, etc.) on a weekly basis. 

Then he looks at prior week’s tasks/objectives and decides which need to be carried over to this week or deletes them if they are no longer relevant. Afterwards he starts laying out his week and blocking out time slots on his calendar as best as he can.

At the end of the week, Frank reviews his data to see how close he was to accomplish his “Big Rocks”. Rinse and Repeat!

Tracking progress and meeting goals

Frank tracks: Consulting engagements, Planning Sessions, Training, Meditation and Social Media.

Consulting engagements are tracked for billing purposes. With the other activities, he has set certain goals that he wants to track to see if he can reach them. For example, he wants to make sure that he meditates for at least 10 mins daily (yes, you can benefit from tracking your time in your personal life). At the end of the week, he can easily see whether he was able to meet that goal or not. 

Furthermore, he uses hashtags to specify his trainings.

“I have added #entrepreneurship so that I know how much time is spent on that subject.”

Feeling happy and managing time more efficiently

At the end of the week, Frank is asking himself: “Am I happy with where I spent my time this week?”.  He is also able to complete his invoices quicker “but that is probably only saving me 30 min/month”.

Furthermore, he was able to identify areas of time that he was not accounting for when planning his week (i.e. commute time to networking events).

“This would turn a planned 2 hour event into 3.5 to 4 hour exercise when you take commute time into consideration.”

As a result, he started to plan his week to minimize those commutes by coordinating activities that were in close proximity.

Frank: “Timeular is perfect for people who are not used to free-time”

“Honestly, I recommend Timeular to so many people. Literally today I think I convinced 3 people to purchase based on my use case. This solution is so good for people who are not used to so-called ‘free-time’ i.e. first-time entrepreneurs. I spent over 20 years in corporate environments and in those settings, your calendar and time are often dictated to you. But when you are a freelancer or entrepreneur there is so much time that you are not told what to work on and for how long. And human nature is to work on what you want to work on (fun stuff or escapism) rather than what you need to work on. A solution like this holds me accountable.”

Learn more about using Timeular for your team