How does Timeular help Heidi Tuisku?

Heidi Tuisku is a passionate wedding dress designer and has her own business. As some dresses take up more time than others, it is important for her to see how long she actually needs for each piece “so I can check if my pricing is accurate and so that I know that I’m reserving enough time for them”.

She needs to plan her days a year in advance to know how many dresses she is able to produce. So knowing exactly where her time goes is very crucial. 

From the to-do list to the billing program

At the beginning of the day, she is going through all her emails and other small jobs. Then she starts working on dresses. She usually works with 1-3 dresses per day. 

“Most days I have clients coming in for fittings, the amount varies.” 

With the Timeular tracking tool, she tracks how much time she spends in customer service, making the dresses, answering emails and all the other paperwork that comes with her business. 

Heidi also uses the notes feature to mark down which client’s dress she is working with. 

At the end of the day she checks her emails again and counts down how many hours she works with each client. 

If you’re reading this success case, but you don’t know what time tracking is, but you want to know everything, then you need to read your free guide.

The next wedding season is saved 

“Timeular has already helped me a lot with those things I needed help with. It’s easier for me to book the next wedding season ahead because now I know better how much time I need to reserve for specific dresses.”

“I also noticed how much time I spent on useless things. I can better concentrate on my  tasks now instead of scrolling my phone every 5 minutes.”

Learn more about using Timeular for your team