How General Manager Richard gets what matters most done first with Timeular

“If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning.” Brian Tracy

As General Manager of Woking Golf Club – ranked 16th in England and with an illustrious 128-year history – Richard has a keen eye on time management. We caught up with him to find out how he and his team use Timeular to make sure they spend time where it matters most.

Like many Timeular customers, Richard is a wearer of many hats. What sets Richard’s story apart from most though is that he works in hospitality: an environment where getting deep work done is almost impossible.

Before discovering Timeular, Richard was tracking his time manually on a spreadsheet. But one day, as we can all relate, IT issues struck at exactly the wrong time and the file’s contents were lost, along with a record of where he was spending his time. It was time Richard looked into a new solution.

So Richard asked a professional development-oriented peer how he tracked his time. The response was that he’d tried every time management tool out there and Timeular was the best for him.

Richard now uses Timeular to track where his time is spent, layering on the Getting Things Done framework. With this, he sets his 3 most important priorities for the day (his ‘frogs‘) and makes sure he’s intentional about completing them.

With his time-tracked data at his fingertips, Richard is able to pull reports to tell where his time goes, check he’s balancing and prioritizing key aspects of his work (such as HR and strategic planning), and is able to measure the value of time. These reports give him valuable insight and help him shuffle and find time to focus on the big tasks, making sure those that are most time or energy-sensitive get done – especially when opportunities for deep work would ordinarily be hard to come by.

While it took him a little bit of a time commitment to build a habit of tracking to start with, Richard maintains that the habit pays handsome dividends and allows him to focus more on what matters. That’s not to mention the dopamine rush when he starts the day turning his Tracker to “Strategic Planning”.

Timeular is one of the top 3 things that’s helped me most since I started the job. It’s intuitive, it works and it’s more fun than it ought to be! I recommend it to anyone who wants to get better at their job – especially if there is diversity in your work.

Since Richard started using Timeular, his team have also started to use Timeular individually for their time management.

Ready to improve your time management?

Timeular offers a range of packages for individuals and teams, making time management effortless. Over 70,000 users around the world are using the software to take control of their time. Start Free trial.